You want to save money on auto insurance? There’s lots of ways to save money on auto insurance. I’ll go over a few ideas for you.
First of all, when you are shopping around for auto insurance, call an independent agency. An independent agency represents more than one carrier. They actually shop around for you. Their services don’t cost you any money either, so we definitely recommend you take advantage of that.
Call an independent agency. They’ll shop around many carriers and find a carrier that has the best coverage and the best price for you.
Keeping your driving record clean, very important. Don’t have a lot of claims, accidents, and tickets. That’s probably the number one thing you can do to help lower your rates. A person with a bad driving record is going to pay a lot more than a person with a good driving record.
Where you live is important. They generally go by zip codes or territories. A zip code with high crime and high congestion of traffic is generally going to cost more than an area, say like in a suburban area where the crime is lower and the traffic congestion is lower. So where you choose to live is going to affect your rates.
Also, group your auto insurance along with your home, renter’s, or condominium insurance. When you group it together and package it, most companies give you a discount for that, and you’ll probably also get a discount on the other end of it with your home, renter’s, or condo insurance as well. So you get the discounts on both sides to help lower your total insurance cost.
There are additional discounts as well. There are discounts for having an airbag. Some companies are offering discounts for driving hybrid vehicles. There are also discounts — if you have kids in the household — for good student discounts. Or even if a student is living away at college, they’ll give you a discount for that as well because they’re not using the vehicle as often.
The other thing you need to take a look at is if your car is older, you may not need to add what is known as full coverage or collision and comprehensive coverage. Just taking the basic liability package could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. If your car is older and it’s not worth that much, you may want to consider that option.