There has never been a more profitable time to be a driving range owner. In recent years golf has become increasingly popular with people of all ages and backgrounds. However the demands of modern life mean that many people don’t have time to play a full eighteen holes. As a result the driving range has become the place for both beginners and experts to hone their skills. Of course golf is a sport and as such accidents happen, so protect your business! Get comprehensive driving range insurance.
The first kind of driving range insurance you’ll need is public liability insurance. Public liability insurance protects your business if anyone becomes injured or if property becomes damaged, while under your care. Driving ranges attract customers of all ages, this means there is a relatively high risk of accidents compared to other businesses.
Employers’ liability insurance is similar to public liability insurance except it protects employers in cases of injury resulting from employee negligence. Driving range owners put a lot of trust in their employees; from professional trainers to machine operators many are often responsible for the safety of their clients. It is essential that your driving range insurance protects you from the high risk this delegation of responsibility represents.
In many parts of the United States extreme weather conditions can cause damage to property, as well as preventing outdoor activity in general. These two factors mean that business grinds to a halt. These interruptions can be extremely costly so your driving range insurance policy should also cover business interruption.
Owning a driving range means investing in a lot of expensive equipment. Aside from the high cost of maintaining and replacing such equipment, driving range owners need to be aware of the risk of theft when handling such valuable assets. Good driving range insurance means that theft is an unfortunate nuisance, rather than bankruptcy waiting to happen.
There are many risks involved in owning a driving range and for this reason it is important that you discuss your insurance needs with a qualified professional. Then you can relax in the knowledge that your business is safe.